Claremont Litte League is open to all boys and girls, League Age 4 to 15. Please refer to the chart found here to determine your players league age.
If you already have a username from playing a previous season at Claremont Little League, please log in first using the "log in" button in the top right-hand corner of the web site.
If you register on or before December 15th, a $20 early bird discount will be applied at checkout.
If you see "No Programs Available" below, that means you still need to add children to your account.
TIPS regarding residency and concussion sheet:
1. Your residency documents may already be available in electronic form. You may be allowed to download your bill in PDF. If so, download a recent copy and use that for the residency upload.
2. Since the concussion form needs to be signed by the participant and the parent/guardian, print out the form (LINK HERE) FIRST. Then sign and either scan or take a low-resolution photo using your phone in order to upload the concussion form.