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Claremont Little League

Pitch Count and Scorekeeping Info

Downloadable documents helpful for pitch counters and scorekeepers

Powerpoint presentation of Pitch Count/Scorekeeping session - this is the PowerPoint (pptx) file that was shared during the pitch count/scorekeeping meeting.

Recorded Pitch Count Training - this is a recording for 2024 pitch count.

Pitch Count mark-off sheet - Use this during a game to track pitches.

Pitch Count Guidelines - a quick one page document showing how to use the mark-off sheet and important information to know while tracking a current game.

Pitch Count Eligibility Tracker- This is the required form that needs to be filled out at the end of every game (must be filled out in INK

Pitch Count related rules - aka, the fine print (last modified for 2013, still applies in 2014)

Scorekeeping guide - Developed by long time Claremont Little League dad and official scorekeeper for the Quakes: Randy Swift

Frequently asked questions about scorekeeping and pitch counting.

Q: What parts of scorekeeping and pitch counting can be done in ink and what can be done in pencil?

A: The only requirement is that the pitch count eligibility sheets have to be done in ink. The eligibility sheets are the ones signed by managers, not the multi-colored sheets. Everything else can be done in pencil. We encourage scorekeepers to use pencil for scorebooks because it's easy to miss something in the game that you have to go back and modify.

Q: There seem to be a ton of columns on the eligibility tracker, do I really need to fill them all in?

A: There are a few columns that are helpful to fill in but not required. The columns that are not required are "Unif #", and "League Age". All other columns need to be completed and done so using ink. In particular, please remember to put your name under "Pitch Counter Name".

Q: Do managers need to sign the "pitch count mark off sheet?"

A: No, managers do not need to sign the mark off sheet, which is the multi-colored sheet.

Q: What do managers need to sign then?

A: Managers need to sign the "pitch count eligibility tracker". Note that each manager will sign at least two pieces of paper and in some cases, they need to sign more than once because they have to sign for once for each pitcher that has played.

Q: Are there any additional pieces of information that need to go into the scorebook that aren't related to the events of the game?

A: Yes, there are a couple of things that we'd like to see on every game in the scorebook:

  1. Game start time (as defined by the umpire-in-chief)
  2. Umpire-in-chief name (best time to get that is during your introduction to the umpire)

Q: Who needs to sign the scorebook when the game is over?

A: No one. The scorekeeper is the only person responsible for keeping proper score.

Q: What if the umpire insists he has to sign the score book?

A: Some umpires are like that, feel free to let them sign but note that Claremont Little League does not require umpire signatures.

Q: Who is responsible for reporting games scores, highlights and homeruns online at the Claremont Little Leauge web site?

A: The home team manager is responsible for entering game scores and generally, managers are typically the ones entering the scores, game highlights and homerun designations. Managers are allowed to delegate the online entering of information responsibility to someone else. If that delegation happens, that person is usually the scorekeeper but not always. If you keep score and you haven't discussed submitting scores online, it's safe to assume that your manager will do it. If you end up going three games and you still haven't seen your teams score updated, feel free to gently remind your manager to submit the scores. If they have questions about when and how to do so, have them contact me directly.  Note that in Juniors, if you're playing an away game, you'll be in someone else's league.  In those cases, the CLL manager of an interleague game should report the scores and highlights since the other league's team will obviously not do it.

Q: I made a mistake on the pitch count eligibility sheet. What do I do?

A: Cross out the entire line and make a new line. Please do not just cross out just the pitch count number as a correction as that looks fishy when we check on the pitch count books later. After writing an entirely new line, have the manager sign the new line.

Q: (Non-Juniors teams only) There seem to be multiple scorebooks in the snack bar area. Which one do I take?

A: Each scorebook should be labelled with the division name on the front. If you see a "#2" on the front of the scorebook you just pulled out, look for a #1 before using the #2 scorebook. If you can't find your division, only then do you grab one labelled "spare" or not labelled at all.

Q: Is it the responsibility of the coaches when they give the lineup card to the scorekeeper to put the players first and last name or only first?

A: It is the manager's responsibility to put last name *and* jersey number on the lineup card. First name is optional if all the last names are unique. If the last names are not unique (ie. siblings on the same team), then first initial is okay. If the scorekeeper is handed a lineup card that doesn't have last names or doesn't have jersey numbers, you're perfectly within your rights to hand it back and say "please put last name and jersey numbers on here." If they grumble about it, tell them that they've all been notified and that I said it was required. If they still don't give a proper lineup card to you, go to the umpire and tell him/her to not start the game until you have a proper lineup card.


Claremont Little League
112 Harvard Ave, #223
Claremont, California 91711

Phone: 626-872-3261
Email: [email protected]

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