Please contact League Safety Officer: Tony Spinrad via email at: [email protected] If you need to call 911, please do so immediately. Then, please contact the League Safety Officer.
Claremont Little League Safety Plan
The purpose of this document is to emphasize the importance of safety in the Claremont Little League and to identify important safety issues of which all individuals involved should be aware.
League officers, coaches, parents and players will take safety issues very seriously.
In 1995, Little League Baseball introduced A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of a Safety Officer to “create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball”. This program has been very successful by dramatically decreasing little league baseball related injuries. This safety plan is qualified by the ASAP program.
The safety plan herein refers to play at the College Park Little League Baseball fields located at 100 S. College Ave, Claremont, CA 91711 and Griffith Park (juniors field) located at 1800 Woodbend Dr, Claremont, CA 91711. Further information beyond this document regarding safety and the ASAP program is available by contacting the Claremont Little League Safety Officer listed below.
There are several points addressed in this document that are required for an approved ASAP compliant Safety Plan. The following is a list of the important features, policies, and requirements of the Safety Plan:
1. Safety Officer:
The Claremont Little League program has an active Safety Officer on file with Little League Headquarters. This Safety Officer for the 2024 season is:
Tony Spinrad
Claremont, CA 91711
[email protected]
Any questions regarding this plan and Claremont Little League safety can be directed to the Safety Officer or the CLL 2024 League President:
Jenny Ballesteros
Claremont, CA 91711
909-239-7036 (cell)
2. Safety Manual:
This document has been developed by Claremont Little League to provide an overview of the procedures, policies, and activities that have been instituted by the League to provide a safe and healthy environment for those participating in our Little League Baseball program. As part of maintaining awareness of the importance of safety, this document will be printed and distributed to all league officials and volunteers active during the season. It will also be posted on the Claremont Little League website for reference by all volunteers, players, and parents participating in Claremont Little League. A copy will also be available in the Snack Bar at College Park and Griffith Park storage shed. This plan will also be submitted to the District Administrator
3. Emergency Plan:
The emergency plan, which contains contact information for league officers and coordinators, including all board members, will be included as part of the Safety Manual that is distributed to volunteers as outlined above. Also provided with the contact information are Emergency Contact Procedures to assist in the event of an emergency situation, as well as info on who to contact to track and report injuries.
This emergency information will be posted at the Snack Bar and Equipment Sheds located at the College Park and Griffith Park for reference.
4. Volunteer Application:
Managers, coaches, board members and any others, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular services to Claremont Little League and/or have repetitive access to or contact with players or teams are required to fill out a 2024 Little League Volunteer Application form including a photocopy of a government- issued photo identification card for ID verification. Based on the volunteer application, Claremont Little League will conduct a nationwide background check including available sex offender registries. Additionally, CLL will comply with the new state of California requirement that designated volunteers submit to Livescan fingerprinting.
Anyone refusing to fill out the Volunteer Application or complying with background check requirements is automatically ineligible to be a league volunteer or member in any capacity. A copy of these forms and instructions are included within the appendix.
5. Fundamentals Training:
It is the intent of Claremont Little League that all managers, coaches, and assistant coaches attend and participate in at least one fundamental coaches training session. The minimum requirement is for at least one member of the coaching staff for each team to attend one of the training sessions being offered. We will be offering this formal training at the Mandatory Coaches’ Clinic on January 27, 2024.
Coach the Coaches Program
Claremont Youth Baseball ensures proper skill development of participants by providing an innovative Coach the Coaches program. This is accomplished by ensuring all volunteer Little League coaches receive instruction from qualified baseball instructors sourced from local baseball training facilities and area high schools. These professional coaches assist Claremont Youth Baseball volunteer coaches by attending the team practices, helping the coaches with practice plans and executing the drills properly. This program's objectives are to ensure high quality instruction from Tee-Ball through Majors divisions by delivering consistent methods of teaching critical skills as well as ensuring a fun, rewarding experience for youth players.
6. First Aid Training:
Claremont Little League intent is for all managers, coaches, and assistant coaches to attend a first aid training session prior to the start of the spring season. This training includes CPR and AED familiarity. The minimum requirement is for every manager or coach to attend a First Aid Training session once every three years with at least one team representative in attendance every year. To accomplish this goal, we will be offering First Aid Training for the 2024 Season on January 27, 2024.
All administrators, managers and coaches are required to take and complete a concussion and sudden cardiac arrest training course. This mandatory training is to be completed prior to holding any practices or games with players.
The link to our concussion training information can be found at:
The link to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest training can be found at:
The link to the Abuse Awareness for Adults training:
Please contact Tony Spinrad, Claremont Little League Safety Officer, with questions.
7. Check Field Conditions:
The City of Claremont Parks & Recreation Department inspects the fields every year at the beginning of the season for exposed fence wires, dugout conditions, benches, and other potential safety hazards. The fields and surrounding areas are also reviewed on a regular basis during the season by the Safety Officer and/or other Board Members. In addition, Claremont team coaches and umpires will be required to review the field on which they will be playing before each game and practice to look for and correct any unsafe conditions (holes, broken glass, rocks, equipment, etc.) prior to the start of play. Please refer to checklist in the appendix section of this document.
Any field or areas used for league practices shall be inspected for unsafe conditions by team coaches prior to all league practices as well.
8. Facility Survey:
Claremont Little League conducts a formal Facility Survey that is updated on an annual basis and submitted to the Little League Headquarters along with this Safety Plan. You may contact the league Safety Officer or other league officials for a copy or access if necessary.
9. Concession Stand Safety:
Claremont Little League operates a small concession stand between Field #1 and #2 at the College Park Fields. This concession stand (referred to as the “Snack Bar”) consists primarily of pre-packaged food, drinks, and snacks. There is also a small outdoor grill that is used for preparation of hot dogs and hamburgers.
Volunteers who operate the concession stand will be provided with instructions by the Snack Bar Manager and given copies of the Claremont Little League Concession Policy. This policy is included within the appendix of the Safety Plan for reference.
10. Equipment Check:
Regular inspection of equipment is necessary to ensure safety. Replacement of defective equipment must be done immediately by contacting the Equipment Manager or any league official. Equipment checks are done formally by three sources:
1) By the equipment manager at the beginning of the season and periodically throughout the year.
2) By coaches at the beginning of each game and
3) Umpires during the course of games.
11. Accident Reporting and Tracking:
An incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the league Safety Officer within 48 hours of incident. This includes even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury or periods of rest. The league Safety Officer will log all reported incidents and track as noted below.
How to Make a Report:
The League will provide hard copy printouts of the Incident / Injury Tracking Report (included in the appendix) with all First Aid kits that are provided to every Team as part of the standard issue equipment. This will allow teams to have the form with them when traveling to other towns. In addition, copies of this form will be kept in the concession stand and equipment shed at the College Park Fields. These forms are also located on our CLL website.
A coach or league official must complete an incident/injury tracking report as soon as possible after the incident occurs and notify the league Safety Officer via telephone or email of the incident. The coach or official may either deliver the form to the Safety Officer or leave the form in the Equipment Shed in a location designated in advance by the Safety Officer so that he can receive this information in a timely manner.
Within 2 days following notification of the incident, the Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party’s parents and:
(1) Verify the information received.
(2) Obtain any other information deemed necessary.
(3) Check on the status of the injured party; and
(4) In the event that the injured party required other medical treatment (i.e., Emergency Room visit, doctor’s visit, etc.) will advise the parent or guardian of the Claremont Little League’s insurance coverages and the provisions for submitting any claims.
If the extent of the injuries is more than minor in nature, the Safety Officer shall periodically call the injured party to:
(1) Check on the status of any injuries, and
(2) Determine if any other assistance is necessary in areas such as submission of insurance forms, etc.
The Safety Officer will continue this process until such time as the incident is considered “closed” (i.e., no further claims are expected and/or the individual is participating in the league again). An Accident Notification Form will be generated and sent to Little League Headquarters in Williamsport (Attention: Dan Kirby, Risk Management Department) and reported to the District Safety Officer when required.
All incidents, accidents, and safety violations should be reported to the Safety Officer within 48 hours of the incident. Timely reporting of safety violations is a key factor in promptly dealing with safety issues including preventative measures or corrections that may protect a child from harm in the future.
12. First-Aid Kits:
A First-Aid Kit is required to be on hand for every game and practice. Claremont Little League supplies each team a First-Aid Kit with the team’s equipment bag. In addition, First-Aid Kits and first aid supplies are located in the concession stand and, in the equipment, shed for use as needed. If supplies are depleted during the season, contact the Safety Officer or a league official for replacements.
13. Enforce Little League Rules:
Claremont Little League Managers, Coaches, Umpires, and League Officials are required to enforce Little League rules at all games and practices, including proper equipment. Most Little League rules have some basis in safety, so it is important to follow them. Below is a list of both Claremont league rules and key Little League rules pertaining to safety:
It is important to remember that we want to make baseball a safe and enjoyable experience for all the players. A bulleted list of several of the league policies and key Little League baseball rules regarding field and dugout safety follows.
● A phone list for emergency numbers, non-emergency numbers, and league contact information is posted at the College Park Field concession stand (snack Bar). The city of Claremont has 911 services for emergencies. It is good practice to identify those coaches and parents who have cell phones available for all games and practices.
● A first-aid kit and first aid supplies are located in the Snack Bar and equipment shed at College Park Field. In addition, each team is issued a first-aid kit with the team’s equipment bag. If supplies are depleted during the season, contact the Safety Officer or league officials for replacements.
● No games or practices should be held under severe weather conditions (especially lightning) or when field conditions are unsafe. It is important for coaches and officials to be diligent with regard to playing conditions. Always err on the side of caution.
● Follow league policy regarding Lightning Safety
● The fields and surrounding areas must be inspected on a regular basis. The field will be reviewed before each game by the umpire and team coaches to look for and to correct any unsafe conditions (holes, broken glass, rocks). Any field or areas used for league practices shall be inspected for unsafe conditions by team coaches prior to all league practices and games.
● A Little League Facility Survey is updated annually, submitted to Little League headquarters and kept on file. Contact the Safety Officer or a league official for a copy or access if necessary.
● Only players, managers, coaches and umpires are permitted on the playing field during play and practice sessions.
● All bats and loose equipment must be kept off the playing fields. Bat racks are placed behind screens/fence. Organized equipment can prevent tripping hazards.
● Coaches should establish a procedure for retrieval of foul balls batted out of play. During practice sessions and games, all players should be alert and watching the player at bat on each pitch.
● Coaching staffs, UIC, Safety Officer and umpires are responsible for the regular inspection of equipment. This includes both league equipment and equipment brought by the player. Non-safe equipment must be removed immediately and replaced as soon as needed. Make sure the equipment is properly fitted to the players.
● Ensure players have required equipment at all times, even catchers warming up pitchers.
● All fields are to use bases that disengage from their anchors, as required by Little League.
● Pitching Machines will be maintained in good working order and must be operated only by adult Managers and Coaches.
● “Horseplay” should not be permitted on the playing fields.
Claremont Little League and Little League key rules pertaining to player safety are outlined below:
● Coaches should inspect equipment on a regular basis, making sure it fits correctly and is in proper working order. Broken or improper equipment can be replaced by contacting the Equipment Manager or league officials. Batting and catching helmets are not permitted when they have been painted by anyone other than the manufacturer.
● Batters must wear protective helmets during practices and games.
● Catchers must wear a catcher’s helmet with face mask and throat guard, chest protector and shin guards.
● Male catchers must wear a long-model chest protector, protective supporter and cup at all times.
● Warm-up catchers must wear catcher’s helmet, facemask, and throat guard while warming up pitchers (skull caps are not permitted). This applies between innings, during bull-pen warm-ups and pre-game infield drills.
● Rule 7.08a (sections 3, and 4) is particularly important for safety and will be vigorously enforced. A runner must slide OR avoid a fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make the tag. Except when returning to base, no head-first slides are permitted. If any coach or parent is unsure of the proper interpretation of rule 7.08a please see the Safety Officer or other league officials.
● Coaches shall instruct all players in safe sliding techniques as well has how to avoid a pitched ball.
● Players must not wear watches, rings, pins, jewelry or other metallic items by Little League baseball rule.
● Parents of players that wear glasses should be encouraged to provide “safety glasses”.
● No on-deck batters are allowed. No player should handle a bat even while in an enclosure, until it is his/her turn at bat.
● Players who are ejected, ill or injured should remain under coach supervision until released to the parent or guardian.
● After a game or practice, coaches should not leave the area until all players have been picked up.
● Players will be instructed in proper stretching and general sports health maintenance procedures, including proper throwing, fielding and hitting techniques to limit injury.
● Injuries should be reported immediately per Claremont Little League’s “Accident Reporting & Tracking” procedures as outlined in the Safety Plan.
● All coaches are required to attend a Fundamental Training Clinic at dates/locations specified earlier in this document. It is required that each manager and coach shall attend at least once every three years with at least one team representative of each team attending every year.
● Periodically, Claremont Little League will hold additional coaches training clinics during the season. Contact league officials for more information.
● All umpires are expected to participate in pre-season rules and umpire clinics at the local and/or district level.
● All coaches and umpires should be familiar with Little League and Claremont Little league safety, playing rules and procedures. These are distributed to all managers, coaches and umpires at the beginning of the season and are readily available thru league officials or via the concession and equipment sheds at the College Park Fields as well as online at the league’s website.
● The Claremont Little League shall have a Safety Plan in effect that includes safety policies for its league Concession Stand (Snack Bar). This plan will be reviewed and updated annually.
14. Player / Coach Data
Each year, Little League Baseball requests player roster, coach and manager listings be submitted to the Little League Data Center. Claremont Little League Baseball has submitted to Little League Data Center, all player, coach and manager listings available as of December 12, 2023. This information will be updated upon completion of registrations for the 2024 season. In 2024, registration is completed on-line through the League website between the following dates:
Registration Start: November 1, 2023
Registration End: January 4, 2024
A. Emergency / League Contact Information
B. Emergency Contact Procedures
C. Hey Coach! – Game Day Flyer
D. Lightning Safety Policy and Brochure
E. Concession Stand Policy
F. Pitching Machines Policies and Procedures
G. Aerial View of Fields
H. Accident Notification Form
I. Background Checks:
1) Volunteer Instructions
2) CORI Form
3) Little League Volunteer Application Form
J. Facility Survey Confirmation Form
K. Mandatory Training Information Flyer
In case of emergency
Dial 911
Police – Fire – Ambulance | Emergency | 911 |
Poison Center | Emergency | 800-222-1222 |
Claremont Police | Non-emergency | 909-399-5411 |
Claremont Fire Department | Non-emergency | 909-626-7351 |
Dept. of Parks and Rec | Non-emergency | 909-399-5431 |
| | |
Division Reps and other non-board positions:
B. Emergency Contact Procedures
The most important help you can provide to a person who is seriously injured is to call for professional medical help. Make the call quickly, preferably from a cell phone near the injured person. If this is not possible, send someone else to make the call from a nearby telephone.
An emergency call-box is located on the side of the Highway Department Garage across the soccer field adjacent to the College Park fields in case other options are not immediately available.
Be sure that you or another caller follows these steps:
1) First dial 9-1-1.
2) Give the dispatcher the necessary information. Answer any questions that they might ask. Most dispatchers will ask:
• The exact location or address of the emergency? Include the town name, nearby intersections, landmarks, etc. as well as the field name and location of the person(s) needing care, if applicable.
Our address is: 100 S. College Ave
Claremont, CA 91711
The telephone number from which the call is being made?
• The caller’s name?
• What happened — i.e., a baseball-related accident, bicycle accident, fire, fall, etc.?
• How many people are involved?
• The condition of the injured person— i.e., unconscious, chest pains, or severe bleeding?
• What help is being given (first aid, CPR, etc.)?
3) Do not hang up until the dispatcher hangs up. The dispatcher may be able to tell you how to best care for the victim.
4) Continue to care for the victim until professional help arrives.
5) Appoint someone to go to the street and look for the ambulance or fire engine and flag them down if necessary. This saves valuable time. Remember, every minute counts.
C. Safety Flyer
D. Claremont Youth Baseball and Softball Association follow Little League policy regarding lightning safety with the following guidelines:
1. Watch for developing or approaching storms; use all resources (web, TV, radio, etc.) to determine the risk level.
2. At the first sound of thunder or visible lightning - CLEAR THE FIELD!
A thunderstorm can cast lightning up to 10 miles from the edge of the storm, or about as far as the sound thunder can carry.
-Go to a large enclosed building, if one is nearby
-Go to metal-top cars, with windows rolled up, if no enclosed building is available
-Complete a check of the facility for anyone still outdoors
• Don’t allow players to remain in the dugouts or spectators to stay in the stands
• Don’t carry metal items (like bats) or walk beside metal fences
• Don’t go to an open-sided shelter; it is not adequate and should not be used.
3. Wait at least 30 minutes after the last lightning strike/peal of thunder before returning to play
4. Do not leave facility until directed; wait at designated location(s) at field until the game is postponed or cancelled.
5. Make sure all players are accounted for and leaving with approved person(s)
If someone is struck by lightning:
✓ Lightning victims do not carry an electrical charge, are safe to handle, and need immediate medical attention.
✓ Call for help. Have someone call 9-1-1 or your local ambulance service.
✓ Give first aid. Begin CPR if necessary.
✓ If possible, move the victim to a safer place.
For more information on lightning safety, visit NOAA’s website and refer to attached the NOAA flyer regarding lightning safety.
Parents, coaches, umpires and all volunteers - please help enforce this policy. Our kids’ lives may depend on you!
E. Concession Stand Policies
1. Only adults and children over 16 years of age are allowed to operate or be near the grill.
2. Outdoor grills will be placed in an area away from spectators.
3. All volunteers will wash their hands on a regular basis. (Hand Sanitizer available)
4. Un-wrapped food must be handled with paper towels or plastic wrap.
5. No glass containers of any type will be sold at the concession stand.
6. Everything must be cleaned up and put away at the end of each shift.
7. A complete First-aid Kit will be kept in the concession stand.
8. A fire extinguisher shall be kept in the concession stand for emergency use.
9. A list of emergency phone numbers will be posted in the concession stand.
10. Adult supervision must be in effect at all times.
The College Park Fields have electric outlets located behind the mounds for running the HYBSA Pitching Machines during practices and/or games. HYBSA also has a generator that can be used when a pitching machine will be used at other locations. Coaches are to follow the policies and procedures listed below when using the pitching machines.
General Pitching Machine Use:
(1) Pitching Machines are to be set-up and operated by adults / coaches only. This includes feeding the machines and making adjustments.
Using Power Receptacles at College Park Pitching Mounds:
(1) Power receptacles are located within the round, green, ‘hand-holes’ located behind the pitching mounds. The covers are bolted in place. There is a socket wrench located on top of the electric panel in the Equipment Shed that is used to unbolt the covers for removal. It is recommended to unbolt the cover before games (during field preparation) and then return the socket wrench to the shed for the other field to use. The covers should remain in place until the Pitching Machine is set-up for use. When the cover is off and the Pitching Machine is in use, the hole should be covered with one of the 2’x2’ plywood board located in the equipment shed for this purpose.
(2) Power receptacle for Ryan 1 is turned on and off by the circuit breaker located in the electric panel in the Snack Bar (behind cash register). Ryan 2 circuit breaker is located in the electric panel in the Equipment Shed (right hand side / rear from entrance). These circuit breakers are to always be in the off position except during practices and games when the Pitching Machines will be used. Combinations / codes to access the Snack Bar and Equipment Shed will be provided to Team Managers.
(3) Remember to re-install cover on hand-hole behind pitching mound and turn-off power at circuit breaker following games/practices when Pitching Machines / power receptacles are used.
Generator Use:
(1) Check to make sure generators have adequate gasoline prior to start of season, prior to use, and following each use. Notify Equipment Manager or League Coordinator if gasoline is needed.
(2) Generators are only to be operated by adults / coaches.
All volunteers involved in Claremont Little League are required to provide information to conduct criminal background checks. Please provide the following information and attach a photocopy of a valid California Driver’s license. If you do not have a license, you may use a Passport or other government issued photographic ID.
Managers, coaches, board members and any others, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular services to Claremont Little League and/or have repetitive access to or contact with players or teams are required to fill out the attached 2024 Little League Volunteer Application form. You must include your social security number on the form where requested.
Please be sure to sign both forms. On the CORI Request Form, DO NOT FILL IN THE LAST TWO LINES OF THE FORM.
Please return both forms with a copy of your photo ID to the league’s compliance officer who will be responsible for conducting the background checks:
Tony Spinrad
Compliance Officer
The information you provide and the results of your criminal background check will be kept in a secure location under lock and key at all times. It is your right to request to see the results of the background check. If you would like to see the results, please make a request in writing to Andrew Mowbray, League President.
It is recommended you keep a copy of these forms for your records.
If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Ballesteros at [email protected]
**Please note that, per Little League National requirements, anyone who does not complete these forms is automatically ineligible to be a league volunteer or member.
Claremont Youth Baseball is registered under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 6, § 172 to receive CORI for the purpose of screening current and otherwise qualified prospective employees, subcontractors, or volunteers.
As a prospective or current employee, subcontractor, or volunteer, I understand that a CORI check will be submitted for my personal information to the DCJIS. I hereby acknowledge and provide permission to Claremont Youth Baseball to submit a CORI check for my information to the DCJIS. This authorization is valid for one year from the date of my signature. I may withdraw this authorization at any time by providing Claremont Youth Baseball written notice of my intent to withdraw consent to a CORI check.
Claremont Youth Baseball may conduct subsequent CORI checks within one year of the date this Form was signed by me provided, however, that must first provide me with written notice of this check.
By signing below, I provide my consent to a CORI check and acknowledge that the information provided on Page 2 of this Acknowledgement Form is true and accurate.
Signature Date
Please see our Claremont Little League Volunteer form and Claremont Little League Volunteer form for returning volunteers. The volunteer application is included in the registration link:
J. Facility Survey Confirmation Form
See online Data Center
K. Mandatory Training Information Flyer
Before you can take the field,
you must take the mandatory concussion and head injury, cardiac arrest, and abuse awareness trainings!
Please do so ASAP! THANK YOU!
1. CA Laws requiring the mandatory training:
2. Link for the Heads-Up Concussion training*:
Once on this link, a manager or coach can create a sign in, take the course and print out their certificate. *Please note that if a manager or coach has previously taken the course (through AYSO or another organization) they can just submit a copy of their concussion training certificate.
3. Link for the Sudden Cardiac Arrest training:
4. Link for the Abuse Awareness for Adults training:
5. Submit your training certificates to [email protected]
Thank you for protecting our youth!